Amaranthine:Empires Wiki

Full Name: Damien White

Alias: None

Player: ShatteredPsyche

Title: N/A

Birthplace: Unknown, assumed to be The Pits

Birth Year: 1140KL

Height: 6'7"

Status: Alive

Bloodline: Magi-Amaranth

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Patron Divine: Lady Serpentia

Hometown: The Pits

Alliegence: The Alliance

Relations: Orphaned, no known relations.


I have been an apprentice smith for as long as I remember. My master found me on the streets, cleaned me up, and put me to work. Eventually I joined the The Alliance. Being born in the pits, it made logical sense to me. Soon after I found I was adept at manipulating Aether. This was unexpected as not many people where I was found had any skill with it. I have been searching for clues to my bloodlines ever since.
